Can't Wait Wednesday

Can’t Wait Wednesday (244): Missing Sisters + A Middle Grade Moment

can't wait wednesday three

Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Tressa of Wishful Endings. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, which was created by Jill of Breaking the Spine.

Silent Sister by Megan Davidhizar

Release date: August 6th, 2024

Summary (from goodreads): Two sisters went missing on their class trip—Grace, the outgoing athlete who is friends with just about everyone, and Maddy, the wallflower wilting in her sister’s shadow who’d rather absorb herself in her journal than talk to her classmates.

But when Grace is found—injured, with no memory of what happened—everybody thinks she’s lying. It’s hard not to look guilty with Maddy’s blood on her clothes.

Desperate to save her sister—and prove her own innocence—Grace must piece together what happened on that school trip with the help of her sister’s notebook and classmates who may not be telling the police everything that about that tragic night.

She will discover her sister’s secrets can’t stay quiet…but what if her own are the most terrifying of all?

The part where I talk: I really like the sound of this. I also think it’s interesting to make the more outgoing, popular sister be the protagonist of this. I feel like in a lot of books, Grace would be the one who disappears, and Maddy would be the one telling the story. That intrigues me a lot.

And now for a middle grade moment!

The Secret Dead Club by Karen Strong

Release date: August 20th, 2024

Summary (from goodreads): Wednesday Thomas sees ghosts. But that doesn’t mean she has to talk to them.

After a terrifying experience in an Arizona state park with a wicked ghost, Wednesday and her mother Olivia sell their RV and move back south to the family home in Alton, Georgia. Wednesday’s determined not to use her gift anymore—until she meets a group of girls who also know about the spirit realm.

There’s free-spirited Miki Okada and Southern belle Danni-Lynn Porter who seem to know about the ghosts who roam the school’s hallways, popular girl Alexa Scott who tells Wednesday to stay away from Miki and Danni-Lynn and not draw attention to herself, and mysterious neighbor Violet Delgado who died last year but still haunts the house across the street. Wednesday feels these girls have some kind of shared history, but it isn’t until Miki gives her an official invitation to the Dead Club that she starts to understand there’s a lot more going on with the ghosts in Alton and the girls who can see them.

And when another malevolent ghost threatens to harm Wednesday, it will take the help of new friends both living and dead to save her and banish the evil being to the spirit realm where it belongs.

The part where I talk: I recently read Just South of Home by this author and I enjoyed it. This sounds right up my alley, so I’m very interested in it. This really sounds like a lot of fun.

What upcoming books are you looking forward to? Feel free to link your Can’t Wait Wednesday posts in the comments!

– Laina

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